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This section describes a set of tutorials that the CosmWasm developers can follow to start using CosmWasm IDE.


1. The first step is to setup the working environment to develop CosmWasm smart contracts.

  • Github Codespace environment - ultilizing Github Codespace to set up the smart contract development environment automatically. Since this guideline makes use of VSCode browser, developers can use Keplr Wallet to create & broadcast transactions, which is already integrated in the IDE.

  • Local environment - manually installing neccessary tools and using VSCode locally. This method will not work with Keplr Wallet, and you will need a .env file located in the root location of the workspace to interact with the contracts.

2. IDE interaction steps

  • Choose an arbitrary file in the project.

    Choose a project file

    An example of choosing a project file

  • Use VSCode CosmWasm extension to build, deploy, and interact with the smart contract. The extension provides four custom VS Code buttons: Build CosmWasm, Deploy CosmWasm, Upload CosmWasm and Instantiate CosmWasm under the status bar of Vs Code and a CosmWasm IDE Explorer under the Explorer tab of VS Code.

    • Build CosmWasm button will build the smart contract to the .wasm file based on the file you open in VS Code.
    • Deploy Cosmwasm button will deploy your contract onto a network that you choose on the CosmWasm IDE explorer.
    • Upload CosmWasm button will upload your smart contract code.
    • Instantiate CosmWasm button will instantiate your smart contract given a code id.

    Please note that the IDE will read all the json schemas of a project from the location artifacts/schema/ or schema/.

    As a result, if the schemas are in a different location, the IDE will not be able to move to the next stage.

    Status bar

    The VSCode's status bar

    contract interaction

    Contract interaction with VsCode CosmWasm extension

  • After deploying or instantiating, the webview will display the deployed contract address & two interaction options: Execute & Query. You can freely play with it to suit your needs.

    contract interaction